Vee is for Vortex – Chapter 21

After all that drama with his (now ex-)girlfriend Nina Caliente I decided that it was time for Don Lothario to move out. Unfortunately he doesn’t have a whole bunch of money now that the Caliente’s no longer support him. He had to settle for a smaller home.

I love this build, it’s called July Raine and was made by the awesome JoieWilder. Check out her stories, too! She also has a neighbourhood rotation called “The more the Wilder” in which she tests out various challenges. It’s so fun!

But anyways, I’m not going to play Don this week, he already had lots of screentime. I have a new household! You already know some of them, it’s my roomates with Alejandro Ferrari and Sophie Mocca who came to visit in the last chapter. This is their home (which was also made by Joie! Thanks a bunch).

How people who have to live with roommates are able to afford a pool we will never know. But neither do I care I just really wanted to use this build. You already know Sophie Mocca, Alejandro Ferrari and Philipp. This is Lily Silvester:

Okay this is not the best shot of her but you’ll see more of her soon. She’s a geek, I  just love that trait!

Just to show you how small this place really is. That’s Sophie there on the left. Joie really worked well with the available space!

Sophie decided to sit by the pool and then I sent Philipp for a swim. And then… I hovered over Philipp and saw that he is actually called Daniel?! What the heck? How did this even happen? I could swear I named him Philipp *panics* I can’t get used to another name I’ve been calling him Philipp for ages… *slips into cas fulleditmode*. You’re Philipp and that’s my last word on the matter!

I think PHILIPP might have a crush on Sophie. He got really angry at Don after he saw him talking to her last chapter. He sat next to her at the pool and started talking about fitness.

Sophie didn’t seem to mind and they had a great time! I don’t really sense that she is into him though. He’s just a bit too socially awkward after all.

Alejandro and Lily were sitting inside eating but they didn’t chat. Alejandro always looks so business savy! Almost all of his looks are button up shirts and I think it suits him.

Lily makes the most hilarious faces while eating! This is really not the best shot for showing her face for the first time. Sorry, Lil!

I always thought of Alejandro as a ladies man, like Don. But it appeared he had a very solid soulmate right there! I should invite her over sometime.

He and Lily get along really well but they are just friends. I think Alejandro just looks at all the ladies that way he does. Sigh.

I realized that Philipp and Alejandro are both bros so I tried out a bunch of Bro interactions. The bro dance:

And the bro hug:

These two are so different but also get along so well. While Philipp is a bit socially awkward, Alejandro is all confident and the ladies probably swoon over him. I love how he stays faithful to his girl though.

I decided to do something that I haven’t done in my game yet. A trip to Granite Falls! Can you believe I have Outdoor Retreat since it came out but I never visited this place?! It’s insane! I mostly use it for the objects. So here we are.

I just randomly chose a cabin that had enough beds. But in hindsight there were much better builds around. I might do one myself but I was to impatient as always!

These windows *-*

This was really the most fitting outfit Alejandro had for this trip. The only one that doesn’t feature a button up shirt.

Lily immediately started to talk to the locals. Though she wasn’t quite used to all the insects yet. I’m glad she is not squeamish. Philipp is *evil laugh* It will be a fun trip for him.

Lily and the ranger got along well and she told Lily a lot about the local wildlife. They even cloudgazed together. I know this interaction is not romantic at all but it still seems kinda weird.

That one looks like a frog… or a llama, who knows, they are so alike!

Philipp tried his luck at fishing but he doesn’t have any skill and didn’t catch anything. I’m tempted to call him a noob but I feel sorry for him. He’s like the awkward string along in this household of unique sims!

Alejandro failed miserably at horseshoes but he got a concentrated moodlet from it! I’m always looking for new ways to get concentrated apart from chess.

Woo! He was so excited to be concentrated! Because he didn’t succeed at the game at all, so that couldn’t be it.

Meanwhile I found that Lily just continued cloudgazing even though the ranger was gone. Like she even cared, lol.

This one looks like a ninjapig

I told her to introduce herself to some guy who seemed interesting. Turned out he was a total creep.

What? Your hand is in a very inappropriate place there, mister! And does anyone notice that bear?

Dude, tone it down! Lily is not that type of girl. And look how he stares at her! He’s an adult and married! Though I have to admit that his wife is the one who is having an affair with Geoffrey Landgraab. Weird marriage that is.

Seriously, what’s up with that bear?

The dude was really annoyed that Lily didn’t swing that way. Well just get lost, then!

Also I find sims in bear costumes hilarious! This one had the confident walk, you should have seen it! I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

Lily started to cook up some burgers when she noticed the bear and got tense.

I assume that this is supposed to say “Unbearable”, lol. However that doesn’t really translate into German (bear = bär) so it says “Unentbärlich” (real word is “Unentbehrlich”) which means essential or indispensable. What a lame pun translation.

The bear was really looking for food, while Lily was like “Really? I’m cooking up burgers over here!”.

The last picture for today is Alejandro looking all handsome while making coffee. I love this shot!

Future me: So it begins…
Past me: What?
Future me: You might want to rethink that coffee machine
Past me: Why? Stop being so cryptic all the time!
Future me: I can’t resist. Lol.
Past me: I hate you sometimes.

That’s it for today folks! Tune in next time when Sophie has an interesting encounter and I send Philipp on an adventure he never wanted *mwahahaha*

Next: Chapter 22

Previous: Chapter 20

16 thoughts on “Vee is for Vortex – Chapter 21

  1. Loving the stories so far! I love how you make the next family one that showed up in the last story. Can’t wait to see what the roommates end up doing and what other drama happens in the neighborhoods.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such gorgeous builds by Joie! 🙂 And I love this household – each Sim is such an individual, and it’s so good to see how their lives develop too, not just as side characters to the other more familiar ones. And yay for ninjapig! ❤ ( . . )

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You talk me up so good, Julyvee. 🙂 I loved this chapter. It really is neat seeing my builds show up in other people’s games. I actually started laughing out loud at the Philipp/Daniel debacle. XD

    Liked by 1 person

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